Fantom’s Fantastic Leap is the Newest Rising Star in the Crypto World

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Get ready Crypto people because there’s a new star in the Crypto ocean and his name is Fantom (FTM). But this scrappy little puppy of a token has been racing to the top as fast as a squirrel scampering up a tree at an astonishing rate of 15. 3,105 which is 63% increase in the last 24 hours. Currently trading at $0. 667, FTM is really starting to get some buzz in the Crypto space.

Well, we can go deeper in to the numbers, can we? Fantom has a total market capitalization of $1,870,066,352 and lies 45th in the cryptocurrency lists. Well, that is like getting promoted from the reserve league and going straight to the finals. The trading volume has also increased significantly rising by 41% as has been discussed above. a declaring 97% and ending a the $378,276,257 in the last day. Looks like traders are rushing to FTM in droves, similar to seagulls looking to peck on the ice cream cone left by a careless tourist on the beach.

Now, let’s talk supply. As for now, there are only 2,803,634,836 FTM, which is 88. 24% from the total volume of 3,175,000,000 FTM. Notably, there is no cap to the total supply as given in the table above. In the crypto world, that’s equivalent to saying ‘the sky is the limit. ’ Or is it? Only time will tell.

But what lies behind this now high interest of getting your hands on a Fantom? Is it just another case of crypto FOMO: Fear of Missing out, or is there a more compelling reason behind such surge? Thus, the loose crazy world of cryptocurrency is still a challenge to hit directly on the key reason; however, some are attributing its success to Fantom’s take on the blockchain.

Well, Fantom is not just a new blockchain project that dreams of becoming an Ethereum or Bitcoin analog. This is what these folks are busy working on: a top-notch, highly 출연연, and secure smart-contract ecosystem. If there is one thing that people value most in the digital economy today, it is time and again, especially in the context of cryptocurrency transactions which, at long last, Fantom delivers with its promise of rapid-fire, low-cost transactions.

Just imagine if there is a way to have centralized exchange with decentralised finance speed? That is the sweet spot Fantom is targeting though from here, few investors have been able to achieve that kind of consistency. It is crystal clear that at some point, they decided to take the most successful ideas from the world of cryptography and combine them into one blockchain cocktail. Tasty, right?

Of course, as with any investment, let alone in such a completely unregulated field like crypto, one has to be careful. The crypto market is stabler than the cat dancing on a tin roof, which means it’s rather unpredictable. In its simple form, the optimism of today could turn to pessimism of the following day, and the other way round. Nevertheless, this development does reflect on the performance of Fantom’s price over the past few days and weeks and thus it seems wise to always research and invest wisely. Again, let’s recall, in the crypto-sphere, FOMO is the last thing you want to experience!

Looking at the big picture, what we have experienced in the last couple of weeks in Fantom is a possible start of affection between investors and superior performing blockchains. Or they could be the glory of 10 minutes of fame before something new pops up to take up everyone’s attention in a week or a month. Well at this time and age I really dont know who would win. However, one thing that remains clear – Fantom is there and has been a strong contender among other cryptos.

So, what’s your take? Is Fantom a new good thing or another pump and dump crypto currency? Hm, only time will tell, but judging from the latest events, it is going to really interesting to observe this industry! Who is to say that we won’t be using FTM for a quick cup of coffee in a few years. Until then, remember to keep your crypto wallet handy and but your private keys even closer!

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